What is it that gets me out of bed on a chilly Saturday morning to crowd myself around others at the Dunedin Farmers market?
The quite sublime Bacon Butties and fresh coffee is the answer!
Cured and smoked, the bacon is quite amazing. I haven't bought Bacon from the supermarket for a while but from memory it never tasted this good. I have since discovered that the Havoc bacon company from Waitati have a rather unique approach to keeping pigs in this day and age of mass produced food injected with all manner of growth agents. After listening to a broadcast about their product and philosophy on National Radio last week I am encouraged to try and incorporate this example into a story that I am developing about the distrust of major food producers.
In other words, I want to focus a short film on the growth of Farmer's market concept as consumers seek a better relationship with their food providers. It seems that many people are suspicious of what they are eating and are embracing the chance to source fresh produce from people who are particular and passionate about the methods use to grow crops and keep livestock. This comes at a time when 'green' politicians in New Zealand are seeking better clarification of contents of food labeling, while over-zealous health and safety officials focus on Ma and Pa food producers selling their wares at weekend markets.
This is quite obviously a huge issues based project, so the plan will be to distill the ideas down and wrap the story around the character lifestyle pig farmers who call themselves Havoc. I'm sure there are other examples if such an idea proves fruitless. With a bit of digging I'm sure I can expose some disgusting food production practices balanced with a story of a farmers passionate about producing the best food possible.
The Havoc bacon buttie was the third most pleasurable experiance of my life, cheers mark for sharing the wealth.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........Bacon Butties....arrgghh, drooool!
(says Homer)
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