Lets give this blog some context, we have a binge drinking culture in New Zealand that seems to straddle the generational divide. I'm not advocating drinking to excess, in fact I'm getting kinda annoyed about stepping over vomit on the way home from town. However, setting the drinking age at 20 rather than 18 where it is now is rather regressive. It will not solve a few issues, namely:
1.The law is not being administered now
2.Kids will still get access to alcohol, just not in licensed premises
3.We have failed in educating people how to enjoy alcohol, without whacking some poor sod over the head!
In researching this blog I discovered out of the various NZ political parties, only the Greens Frogblog have an element of sanity. I applaud them for their 'less government, more personal responsibility' approach to this issue.
I'm 35, so I'm not too worried that I won't be sharing the pub with 16 year olds, but its not about me. I feel for the music loving fans who want to see their favorite bands and will prevented from doing so by this ridiculous legislation.
But, as with every hair-brained poorly thought-out piece of legislation there is a solution. Pair up with an older partner. Lets face it a bit of experience never hurt

Guys, check out that friend of your older sister (tell her that dating you will be serving some form of community good), girls pick up a sugar daddy and let him buy drinks all night. A definite win-win.
However, what do we do about the alcohol binging culture inherent in the youth of today? Well, once again, with a bit of thought a better solution presented itself. Stop selling cheap nasty alcopops and bland beers with an emphasis on quantity rather than quality. These drinks aren't meant to be enjoyed socially, they are mere alcohol delivery vessels. Get pissed quick tools.
Make the kids fork out top dollar for Emersons and see how many continue drinking in huge quantities? Make top Pinots and Single Malts more available and if nothing else we might start to cultivate a culture of 'taste'.
However, people still have a right to get drunk just as long as they don't drive, defecate on the pavement and hurt somebody else, whatever happened to host responsibility and the law against serving grossly intoxicated people? Enough said.
I believe we have to ban all booze and legalize more chemicals
I believe we have to ban all booze and legalize more chemicals
I believe we have to ban all booze and legalize more chemicals
Right on Mark! Go you good thing! :)
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