Friday, September 08, 2006

The Human Riff

Topic: The Human Riff

By now I had at least expected a couple of questions concerning the nature of my pseudonym 'humanriff', alas there have been none. However, for those curious souls that have not found a voice the term human riff is commonly used to describe none other than the mighty Keith Richards (pictured below).

A lifelong fan of The Stones, I continue to marvel at the ability of Mr Richards to cheat the Reaper and continue to hammer out those fantastic rhythms in open 'G'. However, one post on another blog caught my eye and I just have to post a link to it. Please click here and read about how one lucky soul met Keith backstage at The Stones recent Western Springs concert. I would give my right testicle for such an opportunity!

Fancy asking Keith if he had done it with a carrot?

Anyway, speaking of Kiwi ingenuity I was amazed to see that Jim Anderton was jumping on his hobby horse again to declare that all drug smoking paraphernalia will be outlawed for sale in New Zealand. Well sorry to tell you Jim, but does that mean you are going to legislate against fruit and vegetables. In case your wondering where this is going, I happened upon a really interesting article on the Hard News Blog and thought it should be linked here. Please feel free to come forward with your own ingenious tales on DIY bongs, water pipes etc.

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