Yes, I queued for well over an hour to be given the once over by a panel of fashionistas who would decide whether I had the goods to grace the catwalk at next years ID Fashion show in Dunedin. It was a really bizarre experience and I'm glad I did it. I figured I might be able to corner the market for geezers with long read curly hair and to be sure I didn't spot any others at the audition, though I seriously doubt that my phone will ring next week with a job offer.
Speaking of geezers with long red hair and models, I happened to catch the classic album series on C4 this week featuring the huge 90s album Stars by Simply Red. Now, I don't own any of their records and I'm not a fan but I have to admit, that Mick Hucknell has a great voice and what's more, a great track record with models. I have unfairly been ridiculed for years based on some supposed similarity in appearance that I have to Mr Hucknell. Yes, I have capitalised on it from time to time and was stalked by a member of the Simply Red fan club but that is another story. I was dismayed to see what he looks like now, gee all that good living eh! Still, even though I'm a bit disparaging, I have to admit, some of the tracks on Stars are great and really took me back to life in London in the early 90s where that radio was saturated with my Mick's dulcet tones.

Do I really look like Mick? Come on!
Oh come on Mark, what catwalk could resist your golden flowing ginger locks and if you wore that cat leotard like I told you to, then your phone wont stop ringing, roll over kitty.
Hey we all secretly have a thing for Mick, 'If you don't know me by now!!!!'. My favourite supermarket shopping music. You just want to break down in tears in the aisle.
Mark, I have to be honest. You are much better looking than Mick. I have no idea what crack people are on. It's sick.
Mick, I have finally found you give me your address so I can stalk you again.
Mick, I have finally found you give me your address so I can stalk you again.
I'm happy to be stalked just as long as I know who you are? No more members of the Simply Red fan club please, that was so 1992.
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