Friday, September 08, 2006

Steve Irwin R.I.P

Date: Friday, 8 September 2006

I am a bit late with this posting but I had to pass on my thoughts about the sad ending to a very colourful life. Yes, this is a blog with a focus on making documentary films and I am learning more about capturing wildlife on camera all the time. I didn't grow up on a diet of David Attenborough (unlike many of my filmmaking colleagues). However, I did notice Steve Irwin and was always entertained by him. I admire people who push the envelope and don't sit on the fence, there are far too many mediocre people balancing there as it is. That is why I'm incensed that Germaine Greer has had the temerity to openly criticise Steve Irwin after he has no opportunity to defend himself. What would she know about animal behaviour? If I'm really cynical I suspect that Irwin's biggest fault in Greer's eyes was his unashamedly colloquial performance of 'ocker' masculinity that got up her nose. It seems that every ex-aussie based in the U.K. has a real sense of embarrassment about their homeland, just think of Clive James! Thankfully, I'm not alone in condemning Greer and her misguided comments.

In fact, where do all these so called animal rights spokespeople get off?

Sure, in the name of entertainment Steve Irwin did things on camera with animals that weren't exactly conventional. In the bigger picture he raised untold awareness for ecological issues and generated a lot of money (from his own pocket as well) that has been used to benefit animals. Enough said!

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