Well, after tomorrow night (NZ time) I will be lost for programmes to watch to television after Rockstar Supernova has the season finale. Have you voted for your favourite on my blog yet? Sorry Toby fans, I left him off as a selection as I honestly didn't think he would make it this far. I just hope that the Lukas the Troll doesn't get the gig, way too much eyeliner dude! So, Dilana (pictured) it is and based on the strength of tonights performance I think she deserves it, if not Magni's my man. Stay tuned...
I got to go with Magni first too, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think it's gonna be Toby. This site has bettin odds on the outcome (scroll down):
These are the odds they are giving:
Lucas: 2/5
Toby: 1/1
Dilana: 3/1
Magni: 4/1
It's sad but true that I voted for Lukas 12 times last night. And, despite your prowess as a music critic, I have to disagree with you and say that "the best man won" (I'm writing this having just seen the results)...when was too much eyeliner ever a disqualification for a rockstar...hell if it is good enough for an All Black...
The giant forehead won!?! The midget girl rocked! Good call Mark, sad day in the stands when guys in drag start to win...
Y'know Rockstar INXS, despite the INXS part, really captivated me. Beyond entertainment I felt I was watching some real talent unfold. Just haven't got that feeling this year - it's mere entertainment. And in that regard maybe Lukas's thing (which I still can't quite define - maybe an emo freddie mercury?) fits. Dilana was and is the most talented there but jeez, can you imagine being on the road with her...
Ultimately if I could magically have my way I'd just bring back Jordis Unga from last year and let her compete again, purely for my own pleasure :-)
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