Now I know that this blog is ostensibly about the filmmaking process, but events in the political life of New Zealand have really taken my interest recently. The bitter mud-slinging taking place between the two major political parties is farcical and both of them look silly, nothing too strange there. However, the entry into the fray of 'super sleuth' Ian Wishart from Investigate magazine really has me wondering about the journalistic focus in this country. Thankfully, Mr Wishart was taken to task in fantastic style by Sean Plunket who showed him up for the weasel that he is. Indeed, as one political commentator (whose name escapes me) was heard to say:
"If Ian Wishart told me the sun was shining I would go to the window to check it out. Even then if I discovered that it was indeed shining I would assume that Mr Wishart had rigged it!"
Who cares if our Prime Minister doesn't have children and has a partner that is a bit odd? Even if Peter Davis is unsure about his sexual orientation, who really cares? Well, it seems the Exclusive Brethren do and they are really scary. For a religious group determined to ostracise themselves from society as we know it, they really have taken to politics with a great deal of fervor recently. What's worse, they are anti just about everything I hold sacred! They are anti-environment, pro the Present USA regime, anti-cinema and media, anti-computers, homophobic and the list goes on. So, its scares me that they seem to have a political voice in the form of the National Party.
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