Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tag Teams have been decided

One of the major hurdles of this film course is the knowledge that we won't have sole creative control over our films, we will need to work in pairs. Well, this issue has been sorted and I am pleased to announce that my partner in creative crime will be Pip Walls. All the way from
Hawera (Taranki), Pip shares with me a love of character driven documentaries. Both of us have media focused training/education so I wouldn't expect at this stage that we'll end up churning out a hard science flick. A cursory read of Pip's Blog will give you an idea of some of the ideas that we will be throwing around over the next week. Film ideas are still being subjected to the pitching process so no ideas have been given the green light yet. We need to have an executive producer assigned to our project first.

* Pip on the left with Lesley during a research trip to Macraes Flat.

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